Molecular analysis of cox-1 and 18S rRNA gene fragments of Eimeria species isolated from endangered grouse: capercaillie ( Tetrao urogallus) and black grouse ( Tetrao tetrix) Screening and Transcriptional Analysis of Polyketide Synthases and Non-ribosomal Peptide Synthetases in Bacterial Strains From Krubera–Voronja Caveīukelskis D, Dabkeviciene D, Lukoseviciute L, Bucelis A, Kriaučiūnas I, Lebedeva J and Kuisiene N (2019).
Temporal and Spatial Expression of Arabidopsis Gene Homologs Control Daylength Adaptation and Bulb Formation in Onion ( Allium cepa L.)
SeqMan Pro will still be available in Lasergene 17, but will eventually be completely replaced by SeqMan Ultra. SeqMan Ultra is a 64-bit application, which means when compared to the 32-bit SeqMan Pro application, it offers faster project opening, better performance for analyzing large files, increased capacity, and compatibility with macOS 10.15. SeqMan Ultra is the new face of SeqMan Pro, our longstanding sequence assembly software application, complete with a new modern, intuitive interface, as well as lots of performance improvements under the hood.
(Additional applications within Lasergene Genomics are available for analyzing NGS projects and more complex Sanger assemblies). SeqMan Ultra is one of the sequence assembly tools that allows you to analyze and edit the assembly produced by SeqMan NGen. SeqMan NGen is the application that assembles and aligns the data, and is fully integrated in SeqMan Ultra so that you can go from streamlined project setup to finished assembly all in one application. SeqMan NGen and SeqMan Ultra are two applications that work together to assemble and analyze both Sanger and NGS sequencing data.